On behalf of the Chinese Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and the Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine, I am honored to invite you to the 7th World Congress of the ISPRM in Beijing, China, June 16-20, 2013.
The theme of the 7th World Congress of ISPRM is to enjoy, enrich and enable the advancement of physical and rehabilitation medicine. The theme indicates the purpose and process of physical medicine and rehabilitation, which is to make the disabled to resume the ability of independent living and have better quality of life through active, positive and delighted methods.
To deliver this, the scientific committee will arrange both educational and stimulating congress scientific program for the ISPRM 2013 to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of physicians in the management of impairments and disabilities. Top clinicians, scientists and health professionals from around the world will be invited to present latest progress in basic research, and share experience in clinical management. In particular, Traditional Chinese Medicine and alternative rehabilitation methods will be included. I am sure the congress will offer you an extensive review and update.
In addition to scientific programs, this meeting will also offer you abundant choices for social programs, such as Peking Opera show, Chinese acrobatics show, Kongfu exercise, gala dinner and many more. You will have an amazing experience exploring the most rapidly developing city of the world, Beijing, the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games, and getting to know the Chinese culture in all aspects.
Clinical PRM Sciences
1. Pain
2. Musculoskeletal conditions
3. Neurological and mental conditions
4. Internal medicine conditions
5. Paediatrics
6. Geriatrics
7. Rehabilitation addressing to specific functions
8. Sports in rehabilitation and sports rehabilitation
9. Social integration programs
10. Miscellaneous
Biosciences in PRM
11. Mechanism of tissue injury and development of organ dysfunction
12. Cell and tissue adaptation and maladaptation
13. Biological mechanism of interventions
14. Miscellaneous
Biomedical Rehabilitation Sciences and Engineering
15. PRM diagnostics as related to organ systems and body functions
16. PRM interventions
17. Miscellaneous
Integrative Rehabilitation Sciences
18. Rehabilitation systems and services research
19. Comprehensive rehabilitation intervention research
20. Education and training in rehabilitation
21. Rehabilitation management and administration
22. Miscellaneous
Human Functioning Sciences
23. Theory and models of functioning
24. Classification of functioning
25. Measurement of functioning
26. Functioning epidemiology
27. Functioning impact assessment
28. Ethical issues and human rights
29. Miscellaneous