On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I proudly announce that Indonesia will be hosting the 2012 WFAS International Congress and Workshop on Acupuncture. The event will be held in Bandung, Indonesia, at Maison Pine Hotel, from 16 – 18 November 2012.
Many international distinguished speakers are invited to present topics that will give priceless contribution to the progress on acupuncture. I do believe that the coming congress will be a great forum for exchanging knowledge and experience among the professional colleagues from all over the world.
The congress will take place in Bandung, the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country’s third largest city, and second largest metropolitan area in Indonesia. Bandung has cooler temperatures all year-round than most other Indonesian cities and surrounded by volcanic mountains. Well-connected with Jakarta through the remarkably Cipularang highway, Bandung has attracted a fast growing number of tourist and travelers especially during weekend and national holidays.
We are very enthusiast and optimistic that the coming 2012 WFAS International Congress and Workshop on Acupuncture will be able to give inestimable value to all participants as well as unique experience where Bandung is famous for. I warmly welcome you to Bandung on 16 – 18 November 2012.
征文范围及要求: 会议内容:针灸治疗退行性病变,针灸美容,运动针灸,针灸止痛,**治疗代谢病、内分泌病、生殖系统病、自身免疫系统病及过敏、口腔疾病;微针疗法如头针、耳针、手针、鼻针、腕踝针等;针灸仪器的使用
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2. 提交论文时,需附带会议注册表以及在2012年9月30日前付会议费的证明凭据。
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4. 会议组织方将以电子邮件的方式与论文作者联系,并确认录用。
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4. 论文摘要正文不少于300字。
5. 请用英文Arial字体,11号字。