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您当前的位置:爱爱医会议频道 > 其他 > 第二届东亚皮肤科大会



    The Second Eastern Asia Dermatology Congress will be held in China National Convention Center, Beijing in June 13th through 15th 2012. On behalf of the host society, Chinese Society of Dermatology, I cordially invite all of you to Beijing and to this meeting. 
    EADC is the official congress of Chinese Society of Dermatology (CSD), Japanese Dermatological Association(JDA) and Korean Dermatological Association(KDA). The similar traditional culture and rapid development in eastern Asia characterize this congress both regional and international. We all know that the 1st EADC that was held in Fukuoka Japan in 2010 was very successful. The 2nd EADC will follow the footsteps of 1st EADC, focusing on the international frontiers and hot spots of dermatology, covering both clinical and basic research area. I hope that this congress would be also productive and fruitful. Finally, this meeting will provide a great opportunity for participants to communicate with each other and will strengthen the friendship between participants as well as all dermatologists in this region. 
   Beijing is the capital of China. It is an old city with thousands years’ history. Also it is an advanced, active and friendly city. I hope that all of you will be able to enjoy the scenery, the history and the culture of Beijing during your stay. I hope that the 2nd EADC will be an exciting and memorable experience to all of you. * Participants who would like to make an oral or poster presentation should submit an abstract for consideration and inclusion in the program by the 2nd EADC Scientific Committee. 
* Only abstracts submitted through the online system will be accepted.
* Abstracts should be submitted no later than February 15, 2012.
* The Scientific Committee will determine the form of presentation, with consideration given to the author's preference for poster or oral presentation. 
* The first author is expected to attend the Congress and present the poster or oral presentation. Submission of Abstracts 
Only abstracts submitted via the website of the Conference, www.cmacsd.org/eadc2012/, will be sent to the Scientific Committee for review. If you do not have access to the website, please contact the Conference Secretariat.
Online submission starting date: August 1, 2011.  
Online submission deadline: February 15, 2012.
Preparation of Your Abstract
* Abstracts must be submitted in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. 
* The material in the abstract must be original and not previously published.
* The title should be as brief as possible (limited to 25 words) but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Abbreviations must not be used in the title.
* The abstract is limited to maximum 250 words
* Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted and will not be edited in any way. Contents may be organized as the author sees fit, though they should include the purpose of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results and the conclusion reached.
* Only standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Data must be given in units widely used in literature (International metric system is preferred).
* Use generic names. Commercial drug names may not be used. No mention of pharmaceutical company names should be included in the abstract. 
* No references, tables, charts or drawings are allowed. Please make sure
* Statement of Responsibility
- The co-authors agree with the stated results and have consented to be included as authors. 
- This abstract has not been submitted to any other international meeting. 
-  Work involving humans or animals, or material derived from them, was approved by an institutional ethics committees.
* Modifications may be made before the abstract submission system is closed.
* Authors who wish to withdraw their abstract should send a written request to: eadc2012@163.com 
* Abstracts will be published in a CD-ROM Abstract Book and distributed to all delegates.
* Online Submission will be available on the Congress website from July 31, 2011.. Please follow the instructions detailed on the website. 

  • 会议学科:其他
  • 会议地点:北京  北京市
  • 会议时间: 2012-06-15 至2012-06-22
  • 会议学分: 无学分
